Monday 14 November 2011

Where are the keys?

Okay I'm not going to lie, I haven't been the greatest of basketball fans. However in recent times I have decided, sure why not? It was last year when in my regular sports channel news browse I saw some amazing things happen on the court, none more impressive than Derrick Rose sinking 3's like a man possessed. After seeing Derrick obliterating teams beyond the arc I sat and watched more, each time more intently. It dawned on me I knew nothing about basketball, sure I know who Michael Jordan is and am aware of 'Big Shaq', but I never really respected what these athletes do.

From highlights It went to a game, and from a game I watched another, and then another and all of a sudden I'm sitting at my televison at an outrageous time in the morning waiting to see the Miami Heat led by Dwayne wade and LeBron James demolish the clippers or whoever it may have been, but the opposition doesn't matter, the point is that that's where it changed for me, from that moment on I was going to sit, watch, follow and appreciate the NBA. I was faced with picking a team and the selection was hard, I wanted to follow a team but I didn't want to be 'That Guy' who follows Manchester United or the Lakers because they win, so I scoured the team lists and my eyes skimmed over the best name I think I have come across.. Carmello Anthony aka Captain America. From that moment I was a New York Knick.

Later that week the Knicks were due to play, I was overflowing with excitement. Flashing lights, music and dancing women occupied my screen and then out of the smoke emerged Mello, in all his glory. However, over Captain Americas finely ripped shoulder I saw a man fresh out of the land of the giants, his foot the size of my torso and arms that any gym junky would be jealous of. There he stood in all his glory, Amar'e Stoudemire, goggles and all, this man was ready to play. What followed for the rest of the campaign is history. The Mavericks overcome the Miami Heat, LeBron chokes under the pressure in the 4th quarter with more errors than I can count on my fingers, and 'Big Dirk' got his championship.

So this year, as you would imagine, I'm keen to follow my first season from start to finish and in typical fashion something absolutely diabolical happens. I hate to utter the words that has turned into a new fad for all sports all over the globe. A Player Lockout... A player what? Are you kidding me? is there not enough money in the NBA for everyone to be happy? How can any athlete call them self a professional if they are going to whinge over their salary? Does the extra 500 thousand really mean anything when your making well over 20 million. I want to watch some basketball, and i think I'm safe in saying, as do millions of people in the US and other parts of the globe.

This problem has plagued the NFL, Football in various parts and now the NBA. Worst of all it's hurting the people who are most important to the game, the fans. I think I would be speaking for everyone when I say that I don't care how they work it out, be it the fat cats who own the clubs budge or the NBA players who clearly have a difficult life making millions. Someone, anyone, find the key so we can enjoy the game once more.

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